The Switchback in Downtown San Luis Obispo—you can find used outdoor gear, apparel, and footwear to buy, as well as special pricing on select items from brands you know and love.
You can sell us your quality used outdoor gear, apparel, and footwear for cash or store credit. Clear out your garage or closet—know your goods are getting out on new adventures. Please view our Buyback page, and our buying list.
The Switchback store credit and gift cards can be spent at both The Switchback or The Mountain Air—our sister store located two doors down, a specialty outdoor retail business that’s been locally owned and operated since 1975.
Tuesday – Sunday, 10 – 6pm
Closed Mondays
Phone: 805-543-1677
Two doors away from The Mountain Air
Free parking at Marsh Street Plaza (on-site customers only)
667 Marsh Street, Suite B
San Luis Obispo CA 93401